
Self-Publishing, Book Covers and Interior Formatting

Thinking of Self-Publishing your book? Get All the Help You Need with our Premium Self-Publishing Service.

While there is ample Self-publishing support and hybrid publishers and freelancers that can assist you with the technical elements that allow you to look into self-publishing your book, they may not be able to provide you with the one-on-one attention you require. We can assist you with metadata creation, accessing your Amazon or Ingram dashboards, comp title research, keyword research, devising price strategies, internal formatting, and book cover design.

The best aspect is that, unlike working with a publisher, you have complete control over your project. Your dashboards will always be available to you. We'll even give training videos so you can review the self-publishing support and consultation you received. And royalties are paid to you directly, not to us.

Are You To Self-Publishing Your Book? Let Global Book Writers Help You With The Process

Self-publishing may appear intimidating at first, but with our help and support, you will get there. You may work one-on-one with our self-publishing specialist or adopt a hands-off approach and leave everything to us. Our personalised programmes may be tailored to your specific needs.

What Interior Formatting Services Does Global Book Writers Offer?

As part of its self-publishing assistance, Global Book Writers provides book cover and internal formatting services. To publish your book, you'll need print and digital versions of your manuscript formatted correctly, and our specialists make sure not only that your text conforms, but that the inside is high-quality and professional as well.

How Can Global Book Writers Assist You With The Design Of Your Book Cover?

Books are truly judged by their covers. When developing your book cover, our designers capture your vision and brand. You'll see numerous concepts, and we'll go over them again and again until it's perfect. We've received prizes for our book covers, and yours may, too.

What Is The Relationship Between Self-Publishing Support And The Advertising Boost?

Amazon and other large online merchants are search engines with a lot of muscle. The Global Book Writers team guarantees that your book is marketable by doing keyword research, analysing your book categories for bestseller potential, and writing a captivating book description. For an Advertising Boost to work, your book cover design, price plan, advanced reading copies, and even the first few chapters must all be in harmony. The optimal promotion tactics and platforms for your book are then determined, and your advertising strategy is created based on that data. As marketers, we use a combination of social media, PPC, Google, Amazon, email, retargeting, and third-party platforms to generate an audience. With the correct plan, becoming a bestselling author might be on the horizon. Contact us to find out whether your work has the potential to become a bestseller.

What Do Self-Publishing, Book Covers, And Interior Formatting Services Cost?

Global Book Writers offers a custom retainer based on your requirements. To determine price alternatives, we can assess your text and the extent of the project. For additional information, please contact us.

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Our goal is to assist aspiring authors in transforming their manuscripts into engaging, marketable novels that will leave an indelible imprint on the world. We've worked with a number of first-time authors who have gone on to become New York Times bestselling authors, among other achievements. Our staff of highly verified editors, matching technique, and editing process have all been meticulously selected and tailored to help you achieve your greatest potential as an author.

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